Do you struggle with the business side of your brand?

 When it comes to selling your wedding films, do you break out in a cold sweat?

Join us for our brand new series ‘The Secret To Sales.” In this series, we will dive deep into Finding and Working with Your Ideal Couples, How Do You Attract Your Ideal Couples, Leveling Up Your Consultation Calls, and we will actually show you how John Booked a $30k wedding film!

Buckle up, you are going to learn so much in this brand new series

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Inquire to Booking Email Templates

45 minute consultation guideline video

John books an 18K wedding - real zoom call

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Shooting a Wedding: Connecting To DJ Audio

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As an added bonus, you will receive the two day 'secret to sales' workshop replay videos.

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 After 30 years combined, Nick and John have developed a 10 step plan help you build a brand that: pays you more than you could have imagined, books you your dream couples, and shows you how to create work that invigorates your soul. 

The HTFW Course 

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