Video: How to do a Same Day Edit for Weddings IN LESS THAN AN HOUR


What if I told you that I created this wedding film teaser in under an hour and showed it to our couple before we left the wedding? If you are a wedding filmmaker and you don’t already implement Same Day Edits it probably feels daunting to even think about having a film to show your couple before you leave the reception. Jenn and I have been doing this for years with Wild Oak Films and we attribute so much of our business growth to creating these Same Day/Next Day Edits. This video walks you through our process of creating a Same Day Edit on the wedding day and how we clean it up the next day before sharing it with the couple and posting it for the world to see. This is our whole process and formula from start to finish! With this process we are able to consistently wow our couples and gain referrals, all with way less work than you might think. Was this video helpful to you? Let us know in the comments!

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